SLAP - Speak.Learn.And.Pit­ch

วันที่ 5 กันยายน 2560 (18.30น. – 21.00น.)

สถานที่ Exchange Tower อโศก

TECHGRIND - by startups, for startups. 
TECHGRIND - events & workshops are always FREE! 

-- WHO -- 
Startup Founders 
-- WHAT -- 
Practice your pitching; meet investors and mentors. 
-- WHERE -- 
TechGrind Thailand Incubator

Come and get SLAP'd!

Pitching is hard. 
Practice makes perfect. 
As entrepreneurs, we need to always be pitching. 
Customers, users, investors, cofounders, employees... 
Pitch pitch pitch. 
Building a startup requires being able to sell your vision and send your message. 

Come get some practice. Learn how to relay your vision effectively; get quality feedback from fellow startups, investors and mentors.

10-15 slides preferred 
5 minute pitch, then 5 minute Q&A and feedback 

To make sure you get a slot to pitch, send us your pitch deck in PDF-format to [masked] with "SLAP - YourStartupName" in Subject line.

See you there.

Come and get SLAP'd!


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