Reshaping JIRA Understanding from Fundamental to Advance Crash Course

วันที่ 24 พฤศจิกายน 2565 (17.00-21.00)

สถานที่ Seven Peaks Software (Thailand)

In this in-person event. I would like you to reshape your knowledge of JIRA and other add-on tools, helping you have a clear understanding from JIRA fundamentals to the Advance Crash Course. Designed to be easy, quick, and practical to use in actual situations. with live Q&A.


Enjoy the complete spectrum - panel list discussion from all perspectives of JIRA Expert Users.


Come join us on Nov 24th, 5 pm onward (Thailand time)


Key topic:

  • Get the best out of your Jira - Jira Basic introduction / Fundamental / Proper way to use / updates from the system and Atlassian.
  • Jira Best Practice - technical perspective, use cases, tips, and tricks, trends
  • Jira Reporting - understanding your team’s performance with the right reporting system and automation. quick and easy ways to view your team’s performance

จัดโดย Seven Peaks

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