Project Night: Bangkok's Hands-on Monthly for Coders, Makers, and Learners

วันที่ 27 กรกฎาคม 2566 (18.30-22.30)

สถานที่ 222 Soi Phanit Anan

We're live in person at new office off Sukhumvit Soi 71 at this map location:

Project Nights are time to spend on your passion projects: start something you've been wanting to build, devote an evening to your side project outside of $DAYJOB, or learn a new skill.

The format is simple. It is what you make of it, and it's up to you to know what you want. Just come prepared to do it (laptop, ideally with development environment already installed if you can).

A big "thank you" to our sponsors!

  • Sometimes kind businesses sponsor Pizza Mania pizzas (best in BKK) so we can hack more. (contact the organizers!)

จัดโดย BKK/hack – Code, Make, Learn, Share

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