Leading the Era of AI: Dynamics 365 Copilot Forum

วันที่ 24 มกราคม 2567 (8.00-16.30)

สถานที่ Conrad

As organizations retool productivity and business software, AI-assited processes, machine learning and automation will be essential tools to help employees deliver fulfiling work that grows the business.

Join us at Leading the Era of AI: Dynamics 365 Copilot Forum to learn more about generative AI capability and the many ways AI technologies are already helping your sales, marketing and service teams interact with customers, close deals and resolve customer support requests faster.

At this event, we are introducing Microsoft Dynamics 365 Copilot the world’s first copilot in both CRM and ERP. It is an AI-powered assistant that provides interactive assistance across business functions, from sales, service, and marketing to supply chain. Imagine your CRM could now automatically create mails to customers, deliver marketing content ideas, and generate leads? With Dynamics 365 Copilot, the world's first generative AI in a CRM, it already works today.

This is a great opportunity for customers to learn how Microsoft is pioneering a new era of innovation with the introduction of Copilot to help revolutionize and more value to your businesses. Let’s create Magic, together!

จัดโดย Microsoft

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