BKK WEB 111 - How to build a robust and flexible product with the Reactive...

วันที่ 8 มกราคม 2562 (17.00น. – 22.00น.)

สถานที่ Launchpad Co-working Space (Sethiwan Tower)


We're living in rapidly changing world. New frameworks are spawned every week, languages are being born, databases are created all around the place.

One of the reasons for that is increasing network speeds, which in return spoil users to demand faster responses. Back in the day seconds were acceptable, now tens of second might not be satisfactionary. Instead of taking care of gigabytes of data we need to handle tera/petabytes.

You as an enginner have vast number of tools at your disposal to solve problems, build and disrupt your markets. Deliver services to your customers and satisfy theirs requirements.

The talk will give you guidelines to keep you sane in this everlasting stream of technology noise. Marek will take you through Reactive Manifesto from practical point of view. Ultimately the question is what you can do in your day to day work to build reliable software that has a chance to survive upcoming years.

It shouldn't really matter what language/framework you use. And this is what this talk is about. How to think about your software no matter what tools you use to build it.

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