'Experience Scape’: Code + Craft: Blending Technology & Empathy in Service Design

วันที่ 3 กุมภาพันธ์ 2567 (11.00-18.00)

สถานที่ Classroom 1-3, 2F, True Digital Park West

Join us for extraordinary talks and engaging keynote presentations  'Experience Scape’: Code + Craft: Blending Technology & Empathy in Service Design presented by Creative Lab, MQDC x True Digital Park (TDPK) This event is a part of Bangkok Design Week 2024.

This event seamlessly integrates service design with global trends, AI, and business innovation. Gain firsthand insights from industry experts into the evolving world of service design. It serves as the perfect hub for discovering the latest trends and methodologies in service design, networking with like-minded professionals, and exploring cutting-edge case studies and methodologies.

Immerse yourself in tailored knowledge exchange in global service design and business innovation. With an emphasis on value creation in diverse projects (Project Value-creation), we prioritize design processes that drive project success. Addressing the challenge of creating vibrant cities and sustainable urban spaces, we offer innovative approaches under the theme of 'Experience Scape’: Code + Craft: Blending Technology & Empathy in Service Design’

จัดโดย true digital park

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