DevMornings: Self-Study Programming

วันที่ 3 ธันวาคม 2566 (9.00-11.00)

สถานที่ Exchange Tower

Welcome to BKK DevMorning, our mission is to help technology and innovation grow in Bangkok. We are not just a community; we are the change.

Join us if you're passionate about new tech projects, social connections, and discovering opportunities, all held together by a shared interest in networking.

We'll go from 9am to 11am.

Who Are Our Attendees?

Anyone with an interest in technology

Coders seeking like-minded friends & colleagues

Lifelong learners eager for new opportunities

How Do We Serve Our Community?

A curated newsletter featuring handpicked Thailand tech news and job opportunities

Collaboration and introductions to other tech-centric groups

Open source projects for community members and potential paid projects

จัดโดย DevMorning

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