The 2nd Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence Winter School

วันที่ 10-13 ธันวาคม 2560 (8.00น. – 17.30น.)

สถานที่ Knowledge Exchange Center - kx


The Deep Learning and AI (DLAI) Winter School is catered to all interested students, engineers, researchers, and administrators who may have some basic knowledge of machine learning and AI. With the successful inaugural DLAI back on Feb 1-4, 2018, we are pleased to be able to offer the 2nd DLAI this year. The venue is at the Knowledge Exchange (KX) Building and the dates are on December 10-13, 2018. The Sixth Joint Symposium on Computational Intelligence (JSCI6), organized by the IEEE-CIS Thailand Chapter, as well as at least one Industry Session, will be held concurrently with DLAI.

จัดโดย IEEE Computational

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