Sanook 05: Deploy to Heroku and Azure and Exploring Azure SQL Database

วันที่ 6 สิงหาคม 2562 (18.45น. – 21.30น.)

สถานที่ Microsoft @ BTS Ploen Chit

This is going to be our 5# Codesanook meetup in Bangkok.

Please join us at Microsoft @ BTS Ploen Chit.
The event is free to attend.

This event is for *BOTH* English  and Thai  speakers.
Language will not be a barrier for you.


18:30: Arrive
19:00: Deploy React App to Heroku.
19:30: Deploy ASP .NET Core 3 to Azure.
20:15: Azure Database
21:30: Closing

Jose (Eng/Thai)
Aaron (Thai/Eng)

จัดโดย CodeSanook Meetup

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