Managing error messages

วันที่ 28 เมษายน 2564 (19.00-20.00)

สถานที่ Online

In any system, handling errors is a delicate issue. We want the error to be user-friendly and actionable, but giving away too much information can raise a security concern. In addition, in a multi-services environment or microservices architecture, some services that we depend on might produce an error that we don't have a full control over. How can we manage it? In this webinar, we will talk about some designs and techniques that help us have an error management system that is user-friendly and developer-friendly.


*NB: This webinar will be conducted in Thai.


Webinar Schedule:


7:00 PM - Introduction


7:05 PM - Webinar starts


7:45 PM - Q&A


8:00 PM - End of webinar


Free registration at:

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