RISE Innovation Week 2019

วันที่ 23-27 กันยายน 2562 (9.30น. – 16.00น.)

สถานที่ The Society - 22fl. Gaysorn Tower

Heads up! RISE Innovation Week 2019 is back to set SE Asia's deep tech scene on fire again!

Every year RISE Innovation Week captures the latest global tech and innovation movements and makes them experiential to those tech enthusiasts by bringing in the best-in-class practitioners to share their insights and experiences that are able to inspire the actions of the whole region.

RISE Innovation Week will connect corporates, government sectors, startups, accelerators, investors, innovation hubs, and tech enthusiasts across SE Asia together to fuel the future collaborations at the regional level.

If you haven't visited our website to explore the full details of our event, please check it out at https://www.innoweek.riseaccel.com/

RISE INNOVATION WEEK 2019 aims to connect big corporates and government sectors with the talents in tech / innovation ecosystem in SE Asia in order to match the potential talents and business solutions with their organizations’ directions in the experiential setting.

TOUR — Experiential company visits with the opportunity to meet the executives and the innovation team and listen to their moonshot pitches

TALK — Bring world-class speakers / practitioners to share their insights and experiences on the latest global tech / innovation movements

TALENT — One-on-one tech startups and tech talents recruiting session to expand the innovation team within corporates and government sectors

Asia’s First Experiential Talent-curated platform where leading corporates meets best tech startups and talents. At RISE Innovation Week 2019, you will hear the moonshot pitches and different ideas from the C-levels and innovation team of the corporates and governments. They will pitch you their insightful problem statements and challenge to you, the tech talents, to solve them with your innovative skill sets in order to find their next unicorns, along with building deep, productive relationships.

จัดโดย Rise

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