Free workshop: A 90 minute introduction to API Management

วันที่ 1 พฤศจิกายน 2561 (9.00น. – 12.00น.)

สถานที่ The Work Loft 281/19-23 ถนน สีลม


Got an API? Want to manage it better but don’t know where to start? Maybe you’re looking to release it to the world, but find the technical steps to get there a pain in the neck?

Tyk’s here to help. Join us for a special 90-minute API 'surgery' in Bangkok led by Tyk's APAC Technical Director, David Garvey, (or, as we like to call them, our 'API Doctor').

It'll be a hands-on, technical workshop, with plenty of opportunities for Q&A, and all powered by open-source, drinks, and snacks. Please note, we regret that the workshop will not be in Thai. Instead the workshop will be in English.

All you’ll need to bring is your laptop and the URL to your API.* We’ll provide the rest (including our totally free open-source API gateway, either on-premises, or in the Tyk Cloud).

By the end of the 90 minutes you will have:

• Set up your API using the Tyk Gateway

• Published a Developer Portal so that your API can be viewed by the world

• Created API keys so that others can access it

• Used policies to easily control API keys

• Configured your API access settings, so that access to your API is always safe and secure

• Understood how to read your API analytics

• Benefitted from a hands-on approach so that you can continue to go forth and manage your API using Tyk’s free open-source software

Agenda information

Doors open at 0930 to allow laptop set-up and introductions for a 1000 start.

The API surgery will close at 1130 but there’ll be time to ask final questions and mingle with your fellow API lovers until 12noon.

NB: This is a hands-on workshop with limited spaces to ensure you get the most out of the session with our API Doc. Grab a ticket to reserve your spot.

Want to join but can't make this event? Contact us to let us know if you'd like us to repeat this event.

*Not quite at the point where you have your API URL set-up? That's OK too, we'll provide a test URL that you can use, so you can start planning your own API operations.


จัดโดย Tyk

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