HTB Thailand Meetup - June 2023

วันที่ 18 มิถุนายน 2566 (9.00-12.00)

สถานที่ Online

This is HTB meetup in Thailand. We will learn and have fun together. and we will talk about security. We try to keep it open friendly to beginners.
The sessions focused on explaining the hacking mindset, concept, and hacking walkthrough.

1. Fun with command!
2. Hacking methodology and tools
3. Lab walkthrough

1. Computer or Laptop
2. Installed VirtualBox or VMWare + Kali or ParrotOS
3. Hack the Box account (give me your email, and I will invite you)

Join the event via Zoom meeting
Meeting ID: 782 8106 4596
Passcode: HTB#Th@May
Invite link :

จัดโดย Hack the box Meetup

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