Big Data With Scala & Spark Certification Training Bootcamp

วันที่ 1 กรกฎาคม 2561 (9.30น. – 12.30น.)

สถานที่ CloudxLab


Big Data With Scala & Apache Spark Certification Training - Live Instructor-led Online Classes


Our Big Data With Scala & Spark certification training boot camp with 100% money back guarantee is designed to impart knowledge, skills, and hands-on experience required to become top-rated Spark Developers, Architects, Data Engineers, and similar roles. This course is also compatible with the following certification

  • Hortonworks Certified Developer (HDPCD): Spark


Tools and Concepts covered:


Introduction to Big Data, Scala, Apache Spark, RDDs, Kafka, DataFrames, Data Cleaning, Spark Streaming, Spark SQL, Hive-on-Spark, Graph Processing and Analysis, Machine Learning, GraphX, SparkR.


For more on curriculum, please click here  


Big Data With Scala & Apache Spark Certification Training - Live Instructor-led Online Classes


  1. 30+ hours of live online instructor-led classes
  2. 90 days access to the lab (real-life production cluster with Hadoop and Spark pre-configured)
  3. Complimentary access to high-quality videos, assessments and case studies
  4. Classes spread over 10+ sessions of 3 hours each
  5. Training by industry experts
  6. Lifetime access to course content
  7. Real life projects
  8. Earn certificate
  9. 24x7 online experts help


What To Expect:


The Classes:

The classes are held online on Saturdays and Sundays for 3 hours each for an overall of 30+ hours, that is, 10+ classes


The Mode:

We use Google Hangouts or Zoom to enable live, interactive classes that are also recorded for future reference.


The Audience:

We have a global audience that logs in to work hand in hand with our world-class instructors. 


 Get Certified at No Extra Cost with 100% Moneyback Guarantee


จัดโดย CloudxLab

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