Android Programming

วันที่ 7-11 กุมภาพันธ์ 2565 (9.00-16.00)

สถานที่ Software Park

1.    Getting Started
        -    Installing JDK, Eclipse,  Android SDK
        -    Adding Android Plug-In to Eclipse and Install Android Platform
        -    Hello World Example, and set up Android Virtual Devices
        -    Using Android Emulator, Dalvik Debug Monitoring Service, and Android Debug Bridge
        -    Exploring Android Applications and Introducing Android  Activities
        -    Manifest File and Permissions
2.    User Interfaces
        -    Creating View Programmatically and Declaratively
        -    Layout Managers : Linear, Table, Grid, Absolute, and Relative
        -    View: TextView, EditText, Button, Checkbox, ToggleButton and RatingBar
        -    Input Method Framework
        -    Tough  Event, Gesture and Gesture Library
        -    Widgets: List,  Menu, Dialog, Toast, Alert, Spinner, Drawer, Flipper,  WebView
        -    List , Adapters, ListActivity, Spinner, GridView, Tab, Flipper, Menu, Dialogs
        -    Graphics: 2D, and OpenGL
        -    Images and Animation
3.  Using Resources
       -    String, Array, Dimension, Color, and Drawable
       -    Raw  and Assets Files, Writable Files
       -    Manipulating XML Files using SAX, DOM and STAX
       -    Access and Manipulate Files on SD Card
       -    Playing Audio  and Video Files
4.  Intents
      -    Sending and Receiving Intents
      -    Extra Data, Sub-Activity and Menu-Intent
      -    Intent Filters, Action, Category, and Data Tag
      -    Handling Telephone Calls, Camera, and Web Search
      -    Text To Speech and Speech to Text Examples
      -    Intent Broadcasting
5.  Writing Android Specific Programs
      -    Understanding Android Activity Life Cycle
      -    Handling Runtime Configuration Changed and Using Wake Lock
      -    Background Process using Thread and Runnable
      -    Handling Time-consuming Tasks with runOnUiThread(), Handler and AsyncTask
      -    Long Initial Time Activity and Splash Screen
      -    Using Timer, CountDownTimer, and Alarm
      -    Using Android Notification
      -    Android Services: User Defined and System Services
      -    Sensor Services and Telephony Examples
6.  Android Data Storage
      -    Preferences and Preference Framework
      -    Using Local Database (SQLite3)
      -    Database Open Helper
      -    Using SQL and Android Database Api
      -    Data Adapter Object
      -    Content Providers: URI and Restful Resources
      -    Creating Database  Content Provider
      -    Android Content Providers
7.  Networking
      -    Checking Connection Status  with Connectivity, Bluetooth, and Wifi Manager
      -    Using Socket and URLConnection
      -    Using Apache HttpClient
8.  Location Sensing and Google Map
     -    Using Location Providers
     -    LocationListener and Sensing Current Position
     -    Using ACTION_VIEW  
     -    Obtaining a map-api Key and Using MapView for Google Map
     -    Map Explorer with  MapController
     -    OverLay and MyLocationOverLay

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