Single-page web apps using React JS and ASP.NET core

วันที่ 6 กุมภาพันธ์ 2561 (18.45น. – 20.45น.)

สถานที่ Jetabroad Thailand


2017 was a great year for ASP .NET Core with Microsoft introducing the .NET Core 2.0. In the front-end land we had a major release of ReactJS and now it is licensed under MIT.

SPA today is a popular type of web application due to its inherent rich user experience. For .NET developers can be a challenge how to integrate server-side and client-side code well with a good workflow, or even just to choose a productive project setup in the first place. In this meetup we will see how to create a Single Page Application (SPA) powered by ReactJS at front-end and ASP .NET Core in the back-end.


จัดโดย Bangkok .NET Users Group

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