SRE Meet-up #2

วันที่ 24 สิงหาคม 2560 (17.00น. – 21.00น.)

สถานที่ อัพเดทในภายหลัง


It was awesome to meet you all the first ever SRE & Security meet-up in Bangkok. 

A lot of great people, which shows a lot of room for more networking, deeper discussions and interesting presentations.

This is a tentative schedule of SRE/Security Meetup #2. We are figuring out a place to host it, and would appreciate any submissions from people who want to present something, or feedback of what you/we could do together.

Lightning Talks? 
Discussion Forum a.k.a. Beer Side Chat?

Many formats.. We already got some feedback and there will be at least one presentation covering Security with a bit more hands-on approach (including demos).

More info will be announced as we go.


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