SLAP - Speak.Learn.And.Pit­ch

วันที่ 1 สิงหาคม 2560 (18.30น. – 21.00น.)

สถานที่ Exchange Tower อโศก


Come and get SLAP'd!

Pitching is hard. 
Practice makes perfect. 
As entrepreneurs, we need to always be pitching. 
Customers, users, investors, cofounders, employees... 
Pitch pitch pitch. 
Building a startup requires being able to sell your vision and send your message. 

Come get some practice. Learn how to relay your vision effectively; get quality feedback from fellow startups, investors and mentors.

10-15 slides preferred 
5 minute pitch, then 5 minute Q&A and feedback 

To make sure you get a slot to pitch, send us your pitch deck in PDF-format to [masked] with "SLAP - YourStartupName" in Subject line.

See you there.

Come and get SLAP'd!


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