LSC - Lean.Startup.Circle­

วันที่ 10 สิงหาคม 2560 (18.30น. – 21.00น.)

สถานที่ Exchange Tower อโศก


Time to go LEAN!

Lean startup is the scientific methods and techniques to successfully PROVE your business model will work. BEFORE you build it.

If you are building a startup today - your chances of success are lower than 10%.If you learn and adopt lean startup methodology to build your startup - your chances of success are higher than 90%.

It's that simple.

Come join the startup industry as a successful entrepreneur by getting LEAN! Lean startup is now the industry standard requirement for getting funded, and building successful startups.

LSC is a global community of the world's top startup founders who share and learn from each other the science of business building that is lean startup.

Time to go LEAN!


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