YugabyteDB YSQL Development Advanced

วันที่ 5 เมษายน 2566 (20.00-21.30)

สถานที่ Online

On 5 April 2023 at 6:00am PT, we are hosting the virtual training session "YugabyteDB YSQL Development Advanced".

Cloud native applications with transactional workloads often require low latency and high availability. In this virtual training, you will learn about some of the advanced YSQL language features that help minimize the negative effects of high-latency communications and network outages.

These YSQL language features include table partitioning, tablespaces, and row-level geo-partioning. In addition, this training will cover the JDBC Smart Driver, tablet splitting, and the basics of performance tuning.

For folks who have previously achieved YugabyteDB certification, this course is ideal. You should be already familiar with YugabyteDB key concepts, terminology, and features. Additional experience with structured data, relational database systems, SQL, and Bash shell scripting is helpful. This course is ideal for Developers and Architects.

You can attend and register for the event here: https://university.yugabyte.com/courses/yugabytedb-ysql-development-advanced


จัดโดย Thailand YugabyteDB user Group 

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