Functional Programming in Java 8

วันที่ 22-23 เมษายน 2564 (9.00-16.00)

สถานที่ Software Park

1. Introducing New Features in Java 7 and 8

                - Diamond Operations

                - Muti-Exception Catching

                - Try Resource Block and Auto Closable Objects

                - Optional Types

                - Method and Constructor References

                - Interface Default and Static Methods

2. Lambda Expressions

                - Single Abstract Method (SAM)

                - Function Types

                - Functional Interfaces

                - Operators, Predicates, Consumers, Suppliers

                - Lambda Expression Syntax

                - Function Variables

                - Capturing and Closuers

                - Restrictions of Lambda Expression

                - forEach(): internal and external iterations

3. Stream Operations

                - Introduction to Streams and Stream VS Collection

                - Programming by Streams

                - Stream Creations and Sources

                - Primitive Streams

                - Intermediate Operations and Short-Circuit Operations

                - Terminal Operations

               - Collect, Collector Objects, Collection Collectors, Collector Supplier

                - Reduction, Summarising, Joining, Partitioning, Grouping

                - Comparators, and Comparing

                - Reusing Streams.

                - Laziness and Operation Order

                - Stateless and Statefull Operations

                - Optional Stream Operations

4. Parallelism

                - Cpu Cores and Threads

                - Parallel Collections and Streams

                - Parallel Sort and Reduction

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