Ruby Tuesday #14 - April Meetup

วันที่ 30 เมษายน 2562 (19.00น. – 21.00น.)

สถานที่ Nimble Room 2410, 399, Interchange 21

Ruby Tuesday is an event to gather all who are interested in the programming language Ruby. Whether you're an expert or a beginner, you're welcome to join. As usual, there will be two short talks, with plenty of time to mingle and to meet other Ruby developers and friendly tech people.

We will be hosted this month at Nimble, in Asoke! Thank you Nimble for hosting the event once again! Food and drinks will be provided.

Meetup Agenda:

18:30: arrive and mingle.

19:00: Abhinav Mishra

19:20: Short break

19:35: Jason Nam - CocoaPods, a gem for iOS development

20:05: Lighting talks, Q & A, and give us your feedback on Ruby Tuesday.
Ruby Tuesday is completely free to attend.

NOTE: Please do not forget to bring a copy of identity card or similar in exchange for the guest card as required by the security of the building.

- If you are also interested in presenting a topic for future Ruby Tuesday, contact us!
- If your company is hiring, please do send us the information so we can help you spread the word.

• What to bring
If you want to code a little and exchange ideas, please bring your laptop!
Help us build the Ruby community in Thailand.

จัดโดย Banfkok.rb

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